USSL - United Summer Soccer Leage is only for players from U5 - U12 only .
USSL has around 350 teams .
USSL teams would increase to 600 + if sanctioned by BC Soccer.
USSL is open to all players [no restrictions on any players].
USSL is played in brilliant weather , April to July .
USSL fields become available from April 1 to Aug = no cancelled games /training sessions due to the weather.
USSL starts full field 11 a-side at U12 - this helps players adapt/learn for when they start playing full field at U13 in the winter season.
USSL finishes July 31 so those players going into U13 in Sept are better prepared for full field 11-a side.
BCSPL starts at U13 so none of those players are involved in USSL.
A sanctioned USSL Leage would only be from U5 to U12
The months of play would bring it in line with the rest of Canada.
Everyone is welcome & whoever is thinking of starting another summer Leage should at least talk with the USSL members about any options