I'm curious how they're able to arrange the voting takeovers. What's the voting structure of these clubs?Im not on, nor do I monitor facebook so I havent seen that.
My position on PUFC is that they wanted to expand fast. They wanted to make an impact on the first season of play. In order to do that, they had to get into bed so to speak, with the Summer club at the heart of the CCB issues last year. BCT is not stupid. They put just enough players into PUFC so that they could win a vote if they lost the fight for CCB. Unfortunately they are in a position to take over the club via a vote. Maybe morally wrong, but most likely within the rules and will probably end up in BCT's favor. Majority rules.
Every year there are take over attempts. Club AGM's, District AGM's, you name it. I have gone and I have seen it all.
Practically everyone in Newton operates the same way. For themselves. If they dont get what they want to go on offence. From the coaches all the way up to the people in charge of the clubs.
If a club denies a coaches request, and if someone from another club can offer the coach what he wants, then he goes. Valid or not, If a group of people or parents want to remove a coach they band together and remove the coach. If a group of coaches dont get along with club executive, they can get together and influence the vote at the next AGM.
The district needs to set rules on the amount of players from the previous season that can move to a new fall club. This would help eliminate the constant changes.
There also needs to be rules in place to block the voting of new members on the issue of club executives until maybe year 2 or 3 in a club.