Great points to consider everyone, thanks. I really enjoy this forum.
I feel it's not as simple as 4 hours of a player's time. Most often, my players' obligations to school are late developments, or they clash with the practice time itself.
I have a lot of leniency as I'm a procrastinator. I remember the stress of balancing high grades with piss-poor time management skills.
I'll close my take with this piece of a seminar from the Germany soccer body, meant for U16 - U19 teams:
Sportliche und schulisch-berufliche Belastungen koordinieren:
- Gesamtbelastung beachten und ggf. einzelnen Spielern trainingsfreie Tage einräumen.
- In stressigen Phasen (z. B. Abitur, Abschluss-pruefungen) die Belastungen reduzieren.
- Den Fokus auch auf den Spass legen.
- Das Fussballspiel auch als Entspannungsventil bzw. Stressabbau ansehen.
... which roughly translates to:
Coordinate the stress of sporting and school:
- Note overall burden & possibly allow individual players days off.
- In stressful periods (eg. final exams), reduce the burden [of training].
- Place the focus [of training] on fun.
- See the game of football as "relief valve" ie. stress reduction.
Most of my coaching comes from the DFB. If anyone could use ideas, I recommend their site (organized by age groups) >>>
I feel it's not as simple as 4 hours of a player's time. Most often, my players' obligations to school are late developments, or they clash with the practice time itself.
I have a lot of leniency as I'm a procrastinator. I remember the stress of balancing high grades with piss-poor time management skills.
I'll close my take with this piece of a seminar from the Germany soccer body, meant for U16 - U19 teams:
Sportliche und schulisch-berufliche Belastungen koordinieren:
- Gesamtbelastung beachten und ggf. einzelnen Spielern trainingsfreie Tage einräumen.
- In stressigen Phasen (z. B. Abitur, Abschluss-pruefungen) die Belastungen reduzieren.
- Den Fokus auch auf den Spass legen.
- Das Fussballspiel auch als Entspannungsventil bzw. Stressabbau ansehen.
... which roughly translates to:
Coordinate the stress of sporting and school:
- Note overall burden & possibly allow individual players days off.
- In stressful periods (eg. final exams), reduce the burden [of training].
- Place the focus [of training] on fun.
- See the game of football as "relief valve" ie. stress reduction.
Most of my coaching comes from the DFB. If anyone could use ideas, I recommend their site (organized by age groups) >>>