I hate the way practice space is allocated at my club...we are a community club (supposedly), yet somehow the higher level clubs get preference while everyone else fights for the remains. In my opinion none of the teams (outside of perhaps HPL) should get more than 1 spot on turf until all teams have a spot on turf. Once that is accomplished, THEN you can work your way through the teams offering a second spot. And it should be a clear process, too...perhaps start at U18, then U17, etc...
I know it sucks to be on gravel, but there are lots of things you can do on gravel. And similarly there are lots of things you cannot do. So, everyone should get at least one spot on turf, and second spots would be on gravel, if that is all that is available. I squawk about this every year. I KNOW that there isn't the space we would all want, and understand the difficulty, but I hate that Div 1 gets priority over Div 4 at a community club.
There are actually many many benefits to training on gravel.