BC Soccer discipline is now published


Active Member
Oct 20, 2015
What is the specific violation that they are being accused of? The club members need to deal with the situation. Unless there is a specific violation of BC soccer rules then they shouldn't be involved.[/QUOTE}
Or we just keep pretending everything is OK
I would think conflict of Interest or the perceived conflict would be enough...
BC Soccer should and does have an obligation to protect the integrity of both it self its member clubs. If a group of people are jeopardizing that , then shouldn't BC Soccer at the very least be watching very closely?


Established Member
Aug 27, 2015
Where is the conflict of interest? I just dont get it.

PUFC should have done due dillegence when accepting several full teams into a new club and put measures in place to insure something like this didnt happen.

Instead we have a club that wanted to grow fast and accepted people into the club who had enough numbers to win the vote.

Personally I ferl that when you have a vote and its done openly then that is valid.

What is wrong is when people hold a vote, it doesnt go their way, then they start crying foul and defaming people.

I will reserve my judgement on the validity of a BCT PUFC takeover because I personally do not know of any actual legal infractions.

Rather than blabbering on and on like a broken record, if someone can post something the do so and please keep it to a single thread if possible.