BC Coastal Soccer League 2019/2020 Schedules


Active Member
Aug 25, 2015
For 2019/20 BCCSL have changed the league's website/scheduling platform from GotSoccer to Stack Sports.

As of this evening, only the Metro division (both boys & girls) games are available, and still awaiting district schedulers to enter/change dates, start times & venues. Division 1 will be next, pending districts getting all their teams entered into the system.

2019/2020 Coastal Season


Active Member
Aug 25, 2015
BCCSL Division 1 games have been posted. Still waiting for districts to schedule I guess (i.e. post final dates, times & venues).

My comment -- the schedule page & display seems to still be a work in progress. Every district enters their team names in their own and different formats, some are better than others, so making the view of schedules a bit of a dog's breakfast sometimes (IMO). So I fed that back & several other nitpicky issues to Gordon (the scheduler), who said that the league is still working with Stack to "tweak" things, so we'll see how that goes over the next while :) When Gordon managed BCCGSL & their website, he could respond quickly but now it's in the hands of the BCCSL manager & Stack Software I guess...