I was thinking about that the other day regarding paid coaches - where are the funds going to come from? Will clubs need to lower fees w/o competitive games? How many local soccer suppliers are going to be left when we come out of this? SoccerX was already under going some sort of bankruptcy...
This is the biggest joke EVER.
If anyone interested in a large adult discussion of this announcement, let me know and I'll post the url to a senior soccer oriented discussion concerning this.
Change for change's sake, that's what comes to mind here.
As for amateur remarks, well... that is bc soccer at all levels at the end of the day.
No offense to those in position of "power" here but seriously, everything over the last 30 years I've paid attention... sucks.
@southsloper gives great advice, a summer camp is the way to go.
Have a look at this Summer Soccer Camps - Elite Multi Sports Programs - you would be interested in the Lil' Kickers camp which is for young new player to the game.
Other potential landing spots:
Soccer Shots...
Lots of questions to be answered on ALL SIDES is my only reaction really at this point.
An aside is the Coastal / Whitecaps he said / she said unfolding. Pair this up with the couple of sexual assaults involving Whitecap employees and you have to think some heads are going to roll.
It's not like this is a new thing for everyone in BC Soccer - February is traditionally our WORST month weather-wise, especially the last half dozen or so (climate change). At some point, someone smarter than me needs to pull a finger out and address this.
Empire was awesome - had season tickets back in 79/80/81
They used to have youth teams play before matches - we played a couple of times (as well as being ballboys)... the crown on empire was so much that I could only see the head of a team on the touchline across the field.
I had season tix...