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  1. S

    AGM,S , Constitutions, Voting , Rules

    the challenge with constitutions are that they were created in most cases by yesterdays executive in rather loose looking legal jargon and than interpreted by today's executive. That is the value of lifetime as advisors on that type of stuff. Not day to day operations unless of course a life...
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    AGM,S , Constitutions, Voting , Rules

    paid coaches getting to vote is just not right on many levels.
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    AGM,S , Constitutions, Voting , Rules

    someone posted earlier about apathy. Many boards have that culture and are not comfortable taking a stand against someone that is doing something wrong. I suppose that is why it should be clearly outlined the consequences to the board member as a result of remaining apathetic. Its not enough to...
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    AGM,S , Constitutions, Voting , Rules

    Totally agree that the President can and can not act on a whim. However this one apparently must have and thus the lengthy suspension from all soccer related activities by the governing body BC Soccer.
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    AGM,S , Constitutions, Voting , Rules

    regarding the president of a board - typically that person chairs the proceedings of the AGM and as indicated in the societies act they are to remain impartial. In this particular case that likely didnt occur and as a result the meeting was biased. It led to legal issues that in turn cost the...
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    AGM,S , Constitutions, Voting , Rules

    no worries. certainly email and texting can be ambiguous.
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    AGM,S , Constitutions, Voting , Rules

    BTW - my appologies on texting....uhhhh OK. I wasn't aware that was considered sarcasm. I was being genuine the previous post did clarify and made sense.
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    AGM,S , Constitutions, Voting , Rules

    Now that opens up a whole other conversation..I suggest to you that many good doing volunteers raise their hands to be exec members are not made aware that they could become financially responsible and liable. Couple of discussion points with this.... 1. There is insurance a club can...
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    AGM,S , Constitutions, Voting , Rules

    Just slightly off topic but I was made aware of a situation that occurred at an agm where the president was attempting to raise a motion that the impending vote result had very serious consequences to the club financially. That particular president brought invites to life members to attend the...
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    AGM,S , Constitutions, Voting , Rules

    What makes sense ......that the suggested rule or guideline he that an individual may not be allowed to be active with 2 different clubs as a board member. For eg cliff Ave and wesburn. I would agree that poses a conflict. Being the on the board at club and at district seems OK to me. Being...
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    AGM,S , Constitutions, Voting , Rules

    uhhh ok that makes sense.
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    AGM,S , Constitutions, Voting , Rules

    not sure how it is detrimental to hold 2 different board member positions??? All MSL board members likely are board members for their respective clubs and I would assume that is the case for 4 District, 5 District and individual district boards. The challenge is that there usually isn't a line...
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    AGM,S , Constitutions, Voting , Rules

    with most volunteer based clubs and with very tight operating budgets you tend to see very loose constitutions and bylaws that in turn opens the club up to potential risk as the clubs become larger and more exposed. There might be a tendency for individuals within those clubs to take advantage...
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    BC Soccer discipline is now published

    I am not pro persecution of any individual that makes a mistake. As a matter of fact I am on the fence all together about publishing the info. However I suspect that these suspensions are not ad hoc or without merit. i have to trust that BC Soccer has done its due diligence on these cases with...
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    Rumour Round Up

    Rumour is the delta president mcgrandle created havoc at an agm and as a result it cost the club 1/4 million dollars in legal fees and such and the gaming grant was pulled from the club. He wouldn't allow members to vote on key issues. All designed to keep him as president even though he hasn't...
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    BC Soccer discipline is now published

    The 10 month suspension John mcgrandle. He was president of North Delta soccer club. Rumour has it his leadership has cost that club it's gaming grant and about 1/4 million in legal fees and other lost revenues.
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    Changes afoot south of the Fraser

    not sure as a Surrey parent I want anything to do with North Delta Youth Soccer. The President was suspended from BC Soccer for a very long time. BC Soccer Discipline has all suspensions posted and as a result the club has been without a President all year making them as dysfunctional as...
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    Rumour Round Up

    funny you say there are no problems in Delta District, The President of NDYSC was suspended from all soccer related activities for a very lengthy 10 months. Unprecedented lengthy suspension for a guy that served on that board for over 10 years. Delta District and NDYSC swept it under the carpet...
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    Rumour Round Up

  20. S

    BC Soccer discipline is now published

    wonder what people think of BC Soccer now publishing the names of those coaches and exec that have been suspended for lengthy periods. BC Soccer down near the bottom of the link shows names and length of suspensions. I believe this is new for BC Soccer. It likely opens up more questions than...