BC Soccer Central

"U" Soccer Fields in the Lower Mainland of BC

UBC A, B & C 3055 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver
UBC Turf 3050 E Mall, UBC, Vancouver
UBC Baseball AT 3050 E Mall, UBC, Vancouver (SW corner of Thunderbird Park)
UBC Warren 3050 E Mall, UBC, Vancouver - West side of Thunderbird Park
UBC Varsity 3050 E Mall, UBC, Vancouver - Center of Thunderbird Park
University Hill Elementary 5395 Chancellor Blvd, Vancouver
University Hill Secondary 3228 Ross Road, Vancouver
Unwin Park 13313 68 Ave, Surrey
Uplands Elementary School 4471 - 207A Street, Langley
Upper Lynn Elem. School 1540 Coleman Rd North Vancouver
UpperSumas Field Vye Rd & Whatcom Rd, Abbotsford


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